Insights & Innovation Blog
Tag: UX/UI
Design Meeting

Idea-Based vs. Need-Based Design: The right approach used can make or break your product.

In the dynamic world of digital product development, design plays a crucial role in determining the success or failure of a product. At Parux, we understand that the process of designing a product is not just about creating something visually appealing; it's about building something that serves a purpose and meets the needs of its users.

Cesar Keller
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Cesar Keller
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Date Published
August 26th, 2024

Read More about Idea-Based vs. Need-Based Design: The right approach used can make or break your product.

Digital Product Team

Unlocking Success Through People: The Anatomy of a Modern Digital Product Team

In the fast-paced realm of digital product development, success hinges not only on innovative ideas and cutting-edge technology but also on the strength and cohesion of the production team behind the scenes. At, we understand that having the right team in place can mean the difference between launching a game-changing product and falling short of expectations.

Cesar Keller
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Cesar Keller
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Date Published
May 27th, 2024

Read More about Unlocking Success Through People: The Anatomy of a Modern Digital Product Team

Two software developers working on code together at a multi-monitor workstation.

Selecting an Offshore Team for Development – The Risks and Rewards

A major challenge for product teams is how to find quality development partners that align with the goals of the project as well as the budget. In the quest to control costs, the option of using offshore vendors is often considered. It’s a huge decision point, and one that needs to be carefully considered before jumping on that bandwagon. Make the wrong decision, and you can delay or even kill a product. For startups with a single product, that can spell disaster and potentially sink the company.

Ken Mocabee
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Ken Mocabee
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Date Published
May 19th, 2024

Read More about Selecting an Offshore Team for Development – The Risks and Rewards

Person using a laptop with holographic customer satisfaction ratings displayed.

From Vision to Validation: How to Navigate the Path to Product Market Fit

In the fast-paced world of digital product development, achieving product-market fit is a major difference between success and failure. Many startups and scaleups have inspiring ideas for digital products, but without proper validation and alignment with market needs, they risk launching products that struggle to gain traction.

Cesar Keller
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Cesar Keller
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Date Published
May 12th, 2024

Read More about From Vision to Validation: How to Navigate the Path to Product Market Fit

Product team reviewing feature documents and charts in a conference room.

Planning & Communicating Future Features

Every tech company has to deal with the orderly and inevitable evolution of their product, and it’s not an easy task. Do it right, and your product has increasing value over time. Do it wrong, and you can stunt your growth, or even potentially kill your product entirely.

Ken Mocabee
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Ken Mocabee
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Date Published
May 5th, 2024

Read More about Planning & Communicating Future Features

Hands typing on a laptop with social media interaction icons and numbers overlaid.

Transforming Launches into Campaigns: Maximizing Your Product's Impact

In the dynamic landscape of digital product development, the traditional concept of a product launch as a one-time event is increasingly being challenged. At Parux, we understand that a successful product launch is not just about introducing a new offering to the market; it's about creating a sustained momentum that drives awareness, engagement, and ultimately, conversions. This is where transforming launches into campaigns becomes pivotal.

Cesar Keller
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Cesar Keller
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Date Published
April 22nd, 2024

Read More about Transforming Launches into Campaigns: Maximizing Your Product's Impact

Designer Working on a Design System

Unlocking Efficiency and Consistency: The Power of Design Systems in Digital Product Development

In the ever-evolving landscape of digital product development, efficiency and consistency are paramount. As the demands of users continue to evolve and competition intensifies, companies are under increasing pressure to deliver high-quality digital experiences quickly and cost-effectively. In this environment, design systems have emerged as a powerful tool for achieving these objectives.

Cesar Keller
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Cesar Keller
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Date Published
April 14th, 2024

Read More about Unlocking Efficiency and Consistency: The Power of Design Systems in Digital Product Development

Designers collaborating on mobile app wireframes and prototyping using sticky notes.

The Blueprint for Better Products: The Critical Role of Prototyping in Digital Product Design

In the world of digital product design, you won’t stray too far without hearing a popular buzz word, “User Experience.” This blog will share professional insights while having a practical conversation around UX. So… whether you are a business person, programmer, designer or analyst – you will learn a few things that can help you in your next digital transformation initiative or digital product build.

Cesar Keller
Written By
Cesar Keller
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Date Published
March 19th, 2024

Read More about The Blueprint for Better Products: The Critical Role of Prototyping in Digital Product Design

Man reviewing at computer in open office space with industrial decor

Education on Quality

As a Digital Product Company – we ask ourselves… “What does Product Quality really mean?” And to have a balanced answer, we can use some of the research and publications from MIT that shared 5 different approaches to defining quality.

Cesar Keller
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Cesar Keller
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Date Published
November 16th, 2021

Read More about Education on Quality

Happy App User on Phone

A Practical Conversation Around UX (User Experience)

Going from idea to pulling the trigger and launching your company consists of a series of Go / No-Go decisions. At every stage, you must give yourself a chance to say no, because if you don’t, then it’s an indication that you have fallen in love with your solution instead of falling in love with the problem.

Cesar Keller
Written By
Cesar Keller
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Date Published
September 26th, 2021

Read More about A Practical Conversation Around UX (User Experience)

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Overhead view of a business meeting with four people around a wooden table, using laptops and tablets, and taking notes.