Insights & Innovation Blog
Tag: Discovery

Leveraging Beachhead Markets for Product Success

Often startups and new product teams tackle enormous sized markets that might look attractive and cause founders to have unicorns dancing in their heads. But this approach can torpedo a new product before it ever gets traction.

Ken Mocabee
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Ken Mocabee
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Date Published
September 6th, 2024

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Design Meeting

Idea-Based vs. Need-Based Design: The right approach used can make or break your product.

In the dynamic world of digital product development, design plays a crucial role in determining the success or failure of a product. At Parux, we understand that the process of designing a product is not just about creating something visually appealing; it's about building something that serves a purpose and meets the needs of its users.

Cesar Keller
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Cesar Keller
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Date Published
August 26th, 2024

Read More about Idea-Based vs. Need-Based Design: The right approach used can make or break your product.

Hand checking digital lists above laptop, illustrating task management

Switching Cost Barriers and How to Overcome Them

One of the biggest blockers for new products are switching costs, which represent the burden incurred by customers when switching providers. We can group switching costs into three buckets: Financial, Procedural & Operational, and Relational.

Ken Mocabee
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Ken Mocabee
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Date Published
June 16th, 2024

Read More about Switching Cost Barriers and How to Overcome Them

Female leader at whiteboard drawing plans

Beyond Visionaries: Redefining Product Accountability in the Digital Era

In the dynamic landscape of digital product development, the question of accountability is paramount. Who holds the reins of your product's strategy and vision? In our journey at Parux, we've witnessed firsthand how the absence of clear ownership can lead to a cascade of challenges, from lack of direction to missed opportunities. Join us as we delve into the core of this critical question and uncover insights that could shape the destiny of your digital product.

Cesar Keller
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Cesar Keller
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Date Published
June 10th, 2024

Read More about Beyond Visionaries: Redefining Product Accountability in the Digital Era

Coding on a laptop, with visible computer code overlayed on top of the image

Selecting the Right Tech Stack for Every Stage of your Product Journey

Your tech stack is the frameworks and components you use to build your digital product. These include your front-end, back-end and database as well as many other frameworks, components, plug-ins and services you might need for deploying, managing, testing and analytics.

Ken Mocabee
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Ken Mocabee
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Date Published
June 2nd, 2024

Read More about Selecting the Right Tech Stack for Every Stage of your Product Journey

Digital Product Team

Unlocking Success Through People: The Anatomy of a Modern Digital Product Team

In the fast-paced realm of digital product development, success hinges not only on innovative ideas and cutting-edge technology but also on the strength and cohesion of the production team behind the scenes. At, we understand that having the right team in place can mean the difference between launching a game-changing product and falling short of expectations.

Cesar Keller
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Cesar Keller
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Date Published
May 27th, 2024

Read More about Unlocking Success Through People: The Anatomy of a Modern Digital Product Team

Two software developers working on code together at a multi-monitor workstation.

Selecting an Offshore Team for Development – The Risks and Rewards

A major challenge for product teams is how to find quality development partners that align with the goals of the project as well as the budget. In the quest to control costs, the option of using offshore vendors is often considered. It’s a huge decision point, and one that needs to be carefully considered before jumping on that bandwagon. Make the wrong decision, and you can delay or even kill a product. For startups with a single product, that can spell disaster and potentially sink the company.

Ken Mocabee
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Ken Mocabee
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Date Published
May 19th, 2024

Read More about Selecting an Offshore Team for Development – The Risks and Rewards

Person using a laptop with holographic customer satisfaction ratings displayed.

From Vision to Validation: How to Navigate the Path to Product Market Fit

In the fast-paced world of digital product development, achieving product-market fit is a major difference between success and failure. Many startups and scaleups have inspiring ideas for digital products, but without proper validation and alignment with market needs, they risk launching products that struggle to gain traction.

Cesar Keller
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Cesar Keller
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Date Published
May 12th, 2024

Read More about From Vision to Validation: How to Navigate the Path to Product Market Fit

Team collaborating on design thinking process with digital interface overlays and user interface prototypes.

The Value of True Customer Discovery

Many startups rush customer discovery, bypassing crucial steps in their zeal to find Product / Market fit—a concept by Mark Andreessen that seems simple yet is often misapplied. This post emphasizes the importance of genuine customer discovery and iterative development to avoid the Solution Fixation Trap. By deeply engaging with users and continuously refining the product based on feedback, companies can significantly reduce risks and costs, enhancing their chances of success. This discussion highlights the need for an ongoing commitment to customer engagement to maintain a product's market relevance.

Ken Mocabee
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Ken Mocabee
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Date Published
April 7th, 2024

Read More about The Value of True Customer Discovery

Team of professionals evaluating risks on a computer screen in a modern office environment.

The Go / No-Go Decision: Why it’s One of the Most Important Skills to Learn

We work with a lot of entrepreneurs and product teams that want to build something, and one of the challenges they face is whether to proceed with their idea and plan. It’s not always easy to know which way to go, but I hope we can shed some light on how to make these decisions better.

Ken Mocabee
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Ken Mocabee
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Date Published
March 24th, 2024

Read More about The Go / No-Go Decision: Why it’s One of the Most Important Skills to Learn

Businesswoman presenting a growth analysis report with charts and graphs on a large screen to colleagues in a modern office meeting room.

Finding Your Niche

A niche market is a segment of a larger market that has unique characteristics such as shared interests, values and needs. A lot of people equate a niche market as a small market, and some of that is true. By definition, it is a segment of a larger market.

Ken Mocabee
Written By
Ken Mocabee
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Date Published
November 20th, 2021

Read More about Finding Your Niche

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Developing great digital products is our passion. Not sure how to start that journey? Let us help you find the right path. Schedule a free 1-hour consultation with our team. At the end we’ll deliver a Project Brief that will help you to crystalize your vision.

Contact Us:

Have questions or ready to get started? Our team is here to help. (314) 518-4061
Overhead view of a business meeting with four people around a wooden table, using laptops and tablets, and taking notes.